
ZERO Packaging Waste


Our commitment towards reducing, reusing, recycling and rethinking packaging materials in hopes of maximising the sustainable use of resources and materials while minimising waste to achieve a circular economy.


Stakeholder Groups Most Concerned

Consumers; NGOs, Industry Groups and Local Communities; Customers


Why It Is Important

Adopting sustainable packaging and materials is a crucial step to reduce our environmental impact. By integrating eco-friendly packaging and materials into our products, we aim to achieve our broader goal of reducing our carbon footprint and minimising our generated waste. This strategic integration aligns with our commitment to environmental responsibility and serves to strengthen our brand image as a company that is dedicated to sustainable practices.

Additionally, in our commitment to brewing a better tomorrow, we consistently work to align our product packaging and materials within consumer expectations while ensuring compliance with regulations. This commitment underpins our pursuit of long-term success and resilience in our business endeavours.


Our Approach

Our commitment to sustainable packaging and materials is based on our pledge to achieve ZERO Packaging Waste, as packaging is one of our key pillars, necessitating new targets and activities across our value chain by 2040. We strive to uphold the principles of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 12, which underscores the importance of responsible consumption and production.

Our strategy for sustainable packaging and materials includes reducing waste generation and optimising the use of natural resources. This commitment not only aligns with ESG criteria but also strengthens our reputation, ensuring our ability to sustainably brew in the future.


In the year under review, we implemented continuous efforts to conserve the environment, protect resources, reduce waste and ensure the long-term viability of our brewery. We encouraged the return of bottles from the trade and collaborated with vendors to increase recycled content in our packaging materials.

With that, our bottles and cans contain 40% and 28% recycled materials respectively. In Carlsberg Singapore, we are supportive of the Beverage Container Return Scheme that is expected to commence in 2025. These collective efforts highlight our commitment to advancing sustainable practices and making a positive environmental impact.

On the consumer front, our 1664’s Bon Appétit-lah event saw our consumers repurposing the iconic blue bottles into fairy light lamps while consumers at the Carlsberg Smooth Draught’s Real Smooth, Real Spicy event repurposed their bottles into personalised reusable bottles.

Throughout our brand activation and sponsorship events in 2023, a total of 11,698 glass bottles and 902kg of plastic, wood, aluminium and paper materials were collected as post-consumption waste and sent for recycling.

During the year, we continued Project CarlsBot, which was an initiative we began in 2022, in collaboration with Ripple (Sabah Recycling Association). Featuring CarlsBot machines capable of crushing approximately 600kg of glass per hour which can then be reused or repurposed, this innovation has enabled us to minimise glass waste and reduce our environmental impact. As of 31 December 2023, Project CarlsBot has diverted 21,997kg of glass waste away from landfills.


Additionally, in November 2023, two additional CarlsBot machines were deployed at Balai Raya Kampung Madsiang in Penampang and Shangri-La Rasa Ria in Tuaran. Moving forward, we will continue to leverage CarlsBot machines to further reduce our environmental footprint.




Going Forward

While the adoption of sustainable packaging and materials is commendable for environmental reasons, it has resulted in higher operational costs. Nevertheless, we will continue to collaborate with our suppliers to increase the recycled content of our bottles and cans in order to achieve the target of 50% recycled content in bottles and cans by 2030. To help reduce operational costs as we progress towards increasing recycled content, Carlsberg Group plans to strategically explore alternative material sources. Furthermore, we are also striving to expand the range of bottles eligible for return.